Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Take a Break!

My husband went off on a men’s retreat for the weekend.  Men time and God time.  He needs them both.  A change of pace, a change of scenery.  Both are good for the soul.  Time to wind down, step away from the busyness of life and recharge.

That sounds good to me.  I feel like I am always busy, though life has definitely slowed down now that the kids are no longer home.  I remember the days when we were running all over the place for soccer and field hockey games, fitting in small group and church activities, on top of work and the kids’ school commitments.  I watch friends do it now and wonder how we ever managed. 

Because my friend Julie's husband was also on the retreat, I spent Saturday morning with her to help with the 10 month old triplets. Wow, talk about a busy schedule.  Imagine everything times three, all at once.  It was so much fun getting to feed each baby and play with them, but after a few hours I was more in need of a nap then they were.

Why is it not until we get older that we really gain an appreciation for a good nap?  It is almost as if we are afraid to admit we need to slow down and take a break.  After all those years of running in high gear, I am finally recognizing the importance of rest.  It helps to not only rejuvenate my body, but my mind and spirit as well.   I used to always say that I wasn't a good mother after 9pm.  I'm not a nice person when I need a nap either.

Are you worn out, burned out or stressed out?  Do you feel depleted because you are trying to juggle too many things?  How many times have you asked someone how they are and their response is BUSY!  It’s hard to find someone who isn’t.  We work all day and then fill up our evenings as well.  And after a crazy week of work, there are all those home projects and "to-do lists" that require our attention.  

This is not how God wants us to live.  Jesus tells us to come to him if we are weary or heavy burdened and he will give us rest.  The Message translation of the bible puts it this way, “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

Sounds good, doesn’t it?  Jesus says come to me and unload your baggage.  Stop for awhile and let me recharge your batteries and refresh your mind.  Let me put things in perspective as to how life should be.  Stop and take a break from all the busyness and learn how to really live. 

It is only in Jesus that we find the rest we need from our struggles and sorrows, from our striving to get ahead, from the distractions that keep us from having a deeper relationship with him.  To rest in Jesus means that we can close our eyes for a while and let him drive the bus.  Let him fill you with his peace and his presence. If he needs you, he will let you know.  Go ahead, take a break.  Jesus has it under control.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Promises, Promises

We make them all the time, sometimes to ourselves, sometimes to others, and sometimes to God.  Sometimes we make them with every intention of keeping them and sometimes we make them because we know that’s what the other person wants to hear.  The advertising industry loves to make them.  If we turn on the television politicians bombard us with them.  Promises of lower taxes, promises of an improved economy, promises of affordable higher education.  A local furniture store promises the sale of the century at least twice a month.  Promises, Promises.  Have we learned to turn a deaf ear to them?

What about New Year’s resolutions.  Aren’t they promises of change? Whether the commitment is to exercise regularly, eat healthier or take up a new hobby, not many take them seriously.   Sometimes promises are made in an elevated state of emotion like fear, frustration, or passion.  When the moment has passed, the promise is easily forgotten.  For half of all marriages in America the promise to love and cherish till death do us part did not hold true.  Promises are made and promises are broken.
My younger sister, Terry Jean died at the age of 19.  Though she was intellectually disabled, she had an incredible memory.  One of the things I remember most about her is that she never forgot a promise my parents made.  Because of that, we all benefited, sometimes with a promised treat from the ice cream man and once with a promised trip to Disney World.  What I have learned in life is that the value of a promise stands in the one who makes it. 
The bible is full of promises.  Though man’s promises can be broken, God’s promises will never fail us.  God is not dependent on us to fulfill His promises, but he does ask us to believe, so that we may fully receive all that He has promised: promises of protection, provision, peace, love, acceptance and eternal life to name a few.  God has given us his exceedingly great and precious promises so that we can partake of his divine nature (2 Peter 1:4).  “For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding “Yes”!  And through Christ, our “Amen” (which means “Yes”) ascends to God for his glory.” (2 Corinthians 1:20) 
God’s promises give comfort and assurance when the battle is raging around us.  When you are seemingly without hope or anxiety overtakes you, remember the promises of God.  Read them, pray them and meditate on them.  Don’t let go of them.  Thank God for them.  Focus on his promises rather than your problems.  Let their truth reassure you that God is in control and he knows exactly what you need.  The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does.” (Psalm 145:13) 
Here are just a few of my favorite bible promises.   I hope they encourage you as much as they do me.
“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19) 
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28) 
“Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:39) 
“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13)
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”  (Jeremiah 29:11-13)
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” (Psalm 32:8) 
“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” (Deuteronomy 31:8)

Monday, September 24, 2012

What Are you Living For?

Have you ever seen someone who expects the world to bow at their feet and jump when they say jump? They might as well have "It's All About Me" tatooed to their forehead.  They look pretty obnoxious, don’t they?  We think to ourselves, “When is that person going to get a clue that the world doesn’t revolve around them?”  And yet, secretly I think, most of us want to feel as if we are important, as if we are making a difference in this thing we call LIFE. We struggle, we strive, and we try to figure out what’s the next step to take, the next thing we should do, so that our lives have meaning.
I’m sure you’ve thought about it.   Whether it’s a nagging thought in your subconscious mind or a question that catches you unaware in the midst of a dark and confusing time, we have all wondered, what on earth am I doing here?  What’s it all about? What is my life purpose?  What will my legacy be when I’m gone? 
When we are kids we naturally think life is all about us.  Hopefully we mature beyond that mindset, but there are always those who appear to be in the game of life purely to satisfy themselves, with little regard for anyone else.  I certainly don’t claim to have it all together, and don’t get me wrong, I love attention as much as the next person, but I did catch a clue a number of years ago that this life is not about ME!
We attended a beautiful wedding this weekend for friends of our daughter.  Of course as a woman the big questions are always “what do I wear” and “how do I look”.  Fortunately, I’ve learned that the person that everyone is really looking at is the bride.  This day wasn’t about me, but I had been given the opportunity to be a part of it.  How could I make it the best day possible for her?  This is the mindset I want to have each and every day of my life.
I wish I was the kind of person that could turn off their mind every once in a while and think about nothing, but sadly my mind is a lot like the energizer bunny and it just keeps going and going and going.  I punish myself because I never feel like I’m doing enough.  I wonder if my life has really made any difference at all.  But in the quiet moments when it’s just me and God, He gently reminds me that I am making life way more complicated than it needs to be.
What really matters in life is what matters most to God.  Relationships.  God doesn’t need us, but He does want us.  He wants us to reconnect with him like it was in the beginning, when this nasty little thing called sin had yet to enter the picture.  I want my life to echo the words of Paul in his letter to the Philippian believers, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” (Philippians 1:21)  In Christ, our lives gain meaning.
Sometimes I wonder why so many people hope to go to heaven when they die, when they don’t seem to want to have anything to do with God while they are here on earth.  Since my life on earth is only a brief segment of my eternal existence, I want to be building the relationship that will outlast all others.  So whether someone likes what I’m wearing or doesn’t like how I look is really insignificant in the grand scheme of things. 
Jesus lived and died for the sole purpose of reconnecting us to God.  In the process, He honored the Father with his life.  I want to live how Jesus lived, knowing that people matter to God.   I want to connect not only with those who look like me and share my values, but with those who are different and are far from God. I am hoping this blog accomplishes just that.

God wants me to find meaning in loving others the way He loves me.   Every day of my life, like this blog, starts as a blank sheet of paper.  What I make of it depends on what I am willing to give.  I want everything I do to be done in the name of Jesus, so that God gets the glory.  (Colossians 3:17) And when it’s all said and done, and I pass from this life as we know it, I hope the story of my life has this tag line, “It was not about her.  It was all for Him.”

Monday, September 17, 2012

Faith Moves Mountains

 We had an awesome night of worship at my church (http://crossroads.cc/) this past Friday.  Our pastor, Aaron West, (http://aaron-west.com/) challenged us to pray big prayers for God’s hand to move in our church and our community.  I always love how God works, because this past week I have been praying some pretty big prayers of my own!  God has been speaking to me about having a faith that can move mountains. 
In Matthew 17 and Mark 9 you can read the story of a father who comes to Jesus to ask for healing for his son.  The disciples had tried, but were unable to heal the boy on their own.  Jesus accused them of not having enough faith.  Wow, if the disciples who walked with Jesus and witnessed his miracles didn’t have enough faith, could I possibly have enough to move the mountains that stand in the way of God’s goodness and wholeness for my family?
There are times I want to believe God will move in a mighty way, but my faith is weak.  At those times I often confess like the father in this story, “Lord, I do believe, help my unbelief”.  Jesus tells the father that everything is possible for the one who believes.  So I pray and ask God to increase my faith.
Hebrews 11:1 says that “faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.”  Faith is believing God not only can, but will do the impossible.  Yet, it also means accepting God’s will and God’s timing when the impossible doesn’t happen.  At those times we need to keep believing that God knows, God cares and God is still able.  Never stop praying until God has said done. 
I am not going to tell you how to pray, or what it will magically take to get God to move in a big way.  If there were formulas, it wouldn’t be faith.   Like anything else, a growing faith requires commitment.  If I want to increase my faith I need to spend more time with God in His word and prayer.  I need to make sure that my schedule is not so full of good things that I miss out on the most important thing - a deeper relationship with my heavenly Father.  There are times when an honest assessment of God’s place in my life is in order.  As a relationship grows, expectations increase.  Trust is developed.  Faith becomes the means by which God reveals himself to us each and every day.  My own faith is inspired by God's faithfulness.
How we weather the storms of life is a good test of our faith.  Do we blame God for our troubles or do our troubles send us right to God?  Do we cry out in anger or do we surrender in childlike trust?    We can be stopped by the mountains that stand in our way or we can speak to the mountain in the name of Jesus and tell it to move.  So in faith this past week I asked God to move some mighty big mountains standing in the way of His best for my family.  I know that a single word from God can change everything.  Now I wait in faith with gratitude, not only believing He is able, but thankful that I serve a God bigger than any mountain.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Waiting on God

Waiting has never been my favorite pastime.  My kids would tell you that whenever I asked them to do something, I wanted it done NOW.  This was not a reflection of their laziness, but my impatience.  Who wouldn’t agree that we live in a GOTTA HAVE IT NOW society.  If you want something but don’t have the funds, don’t worry, just get it, you can always finance.  If we need to know something, we pull out our smart phones and Google the answer.  Facebook and Twitter let us know what is happening in our friends’ lives instantaneously.  We don’t like waiting and yet ironically, we often live our lives in a waiting mode: waiting to grow up, waiting to marry, waiting for children, waiting for grandchildren, waiting for retirement, waiting for the next best thing, because somehow we always think the next best thing is going to make life better. 
I often find myself waiting on God - waiting for an answer to prayer, waiting for him to give direction, waiting for him to move in a loved ones life.  Sometimes it seems like God has closed up shop, because nothing is different and my prayers seem to fall on deaf ears.  What do I do?  I take God at his word that he loves me and is faithful and I keep on praying!  What I have learned in times of waiting is that God is always at work behind the scenes, preparing us for his purposes.  First, he uses waiting to work wrong attitudes out of us and then he uses waiting to work right attitudes in to us.
When you are called to wait do you grumble and complain?  Are you jealous when others receive what you have always wanted?  Are you impatient when you don’t have the answers you want right now?  Do you feel the need to take matters in to your own hands?  Sarah and Abraham certainly did.  (See Genesis 15 - 16) God promised an aging Abraham that he would have a child.  Yet ten years later, still no baby.  Sarah knew she was way beyond child-bearing years so she decided to help God out.  The result was a child yes, but not the child of promise.  Ishmael means “man of war”, and this one couple’s unwillingness to wait on God’s timing birthed a war still raging today between the Arabs (the descendants of Ishmael) and the Jews (the descendants of Isaac, the promised child).  When God doesn’t move fast enough in your life are you prone to birth your own “Ishmaels”?
God doesn’t need any help from us.  What he asks is for us to trust his will and his timing.  Because life is a journey, always in motion, the waiting times can seem like death.  But waiting on God can purge self-reliance and cultivate humility.  1 Peter 5:6 says to “humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.”  Our times are in God’s hand and he is never late.  How many times have you heard someone say that God’s timing is perfect?  Typically, once they have the hindsight to see what the waiting was all about. God doesn’t limit himself within the constraints of our time clock.
When we wait on God we allow him to work for us and how can we not be blessed? When we wait on God we can be sure that his will is being accomplished, not our own.  When we wait on God we gain the strength to stand when others may fall.  When we wait on God we can trust that his appointed time is always the best time.  When we wait on God our faith grows because if God is working the junk out of us there will be more room for Him in us.  If intimacy with God is the price of waiting on Him, isn’t it worth it?

Monday, September 3, 2012

Declaration of Dependence

The last few weeks have been really hard.  On top of several chronic and degenerative issues I’ve learned that my mom has lung cancer.  I have been burning up the phone lines between here and New York and Chris and I made a long weekend trip there as well.  After two hospitalizations in two weeks mom is now in rehab.  Her greatest problem at the moment is severe back pain, possibly a result of three earlier compression fractures.  What’s next is still unclear.  Answers have not been forthcoming and it has been difficult watching my mom struggle with the pain and inability to care for herself.
I know I am not alone in this struggle.  This is what I help my clients deal with day in and day out as an elder care coordinator.  Suffering is a part of life, yet it never ceases to amaze me how emotionally exhausting times of suffering can be.  Honestly, without the Lord I am not sure how anyone survives the challenges that life throws at us.  Countless times God has been my lifeline when I thought I would otherwise drown from fear or anxiety.  
Sometimes our hearts are so heavy that we forget what it is to be happy.   We feel buried under the weight of our worries and see no way out.  Sometimes we cannot even express the pain.  Thankfully, God knows the groans of our heart.  (Romans 8:26)
I’ve learned that when I don’t have the answers, I can either choose to depend on God or allow old habits to take control.   Dependence is not giving up, but giving in to God and his ways.  Many of us say Jesus is our Lord, but we never back off long enough to allow God to do his work.  Dependence means God is our first option, not our last.  It means accepting that God may not respond when I want.  It means keeping my mouth shut when I’d like to say some things that are less than godly.  Instead of running in circles it means running into the arms of my Savior.   Dependence means praying, listening and responding.
There are lots of people out there who say that Christianity is a crutch because we are too weak to stand on our own.  I would beg to differ.  I think it takes tremendous strength to fall on our knees and admit  there is a God who has a much better grasp and perspective on our circumstances than we do.  The Apostle Paul recognized that God’s power is made perfect in us through our difficulties.  (2 Corinthians 12:9-10)  When we are able to admit our weakness apart from Christ we allow the power of Christ to work in us.
Dependency is a trust issue.  Do we believe God cares enough to meet us in our darkest moments?  Will we accept his answers when they are not according to our plan?  It is easy to lose faith when God doesn’t respond to our needs the way we want or expect him too.  It is harder to hang on to God and trust him in the darkness when we’ve lost hope.  When others let us down it is easy to believe that God will too.  But God’s word assures us that his love is infinite and he never abandons us.

God says to cast our cares on Him because he cares for us. (1 Peter 5:7) But what happens when we, like a fisherman who has cast his line, draw those cares back to us?  Just like the fisherman, we need to cast them again, further from us and deeper into the depths of God’s grace and mercy.  God promises to exchange our anxiety for his peace, a peace that passes all understanding.  (Philippians 4:5-6) This is how I choose to live.  This is my declaration of dependence.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

In the Eye of the Beholder

 “If God, the Creator of the Universe, thinks I am beautiful, does anyone else’s opinion really matter?  Even my own?”  A friend posted this comment on Facebook the other day.  With some of the pretty ridiculous posts I’ve read on the social network, this jumped out as pure gold.  I want you to look in the mirror.  What exactly do you see?  If you’re like me you’ll focus on the wrinkly eyes, sagging chin and graying hair.

Let’s face it.  Our society is obsessed with physical appearance.  We are suckers for products that vow to make us look ten years younger and ten pounds lighter.   We tan, we diet, we straighten our hair and we buy all the latest cosmetics that guarantee to cover up the blemishes.   After all a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do, right?  Perhaps, but ask yourself this, has your definition of beauty been distorted?

Because of my design background it is not unusual to find me watching HGTV.  I love the shows that take a “fixer upper” and turn it into a beautifully re-created home.  At first glance, we see a hopeless mess, but the designer looks past the surface and sees the hidden beauty beneath. 

There are lots of attractive people out there that are just plain ugly when they open their mouths.  Jesus called the religious leaders of his day, “white washed tombs”.  (Matthew 23: 27-28) They paraded around like “beautiful people” who thought they had it all together, but nothing of value was on the inside.  They were spiritually dead because they could not see Jesus for who he really was.   Scripture makes it clear that “The Lord does not look at the things people look at.  People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”  (1 Samuel 16:7).

I’m sure you’ve heard the expression, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”.  What is beautiful to one person may not be true for another.  What parent doesn’t think their child is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen?  Love has a way of making the focus of our adoration more beautiful in our eyes.  You may not think you’re anything special, but in the eyes of your heavenly father you are his masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10).  God’s works are wonderful and you are fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14). 

When I think of a beautiful person, I think of someone who shines from the inside out.  They make me feel loved, they care about others and they radiate the joy of the Lord from a sweet inner spirit.  “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”  (Psalm 31:30)

Consider this.  When you die will it be your internal or external beauty that people remember most?  Which do you invest more time on?  Which do you think will have impacted more lives?

Look in the mirror again.  What reflection do you see?  Since you are God’s masterpiece, I hope you now see a beautiful work of art.