Friday, August 3, 2012

Comfortable In Your Skin

I’ve always admired people who are comfortable in their skin.  They accept themselves for who they are and don’t feel a need to apologize for it.  Because of that, they also accept others as well.  My friend Sara is a perfect example.  She doesn’t worry about trying to be who others think she should be.  She is not afraid to be different; in fact it’s her uniqueness that is so appealing.   Best of all, the light of Christ shines through her.

Sara accepts herself in the light of God’s grace.  She knows she is a work in progress and trusts God to make her a little more like Jesus every day.  Too many of us judge ourselves by unrealistic, self-imposed standards.  We think our self-worth is based on our ability to make others happy, meet expectations, and be successful.  We think that God couldn’t possibly love us because of what we’ve said, or done, or are currently doing.  We measure our worth on a human scale and fall short. 

Let me share an incredible truth with you. 

God accepts us exactly as we are

and He loves us enough to not leave us that way.

We don’t have to try to pretend to be someone we’re not.  Honestly, it’s exhausting!  I’ve been there, done that, and got the t-shirt.  I spent a good part of my early years wanting to be recognized, thinking that what I did would somehow make me more important in others eyes.  What a lie!  It wasn’t until I started listening to what God says about me in his Word that I gave myself the freedom to be me.  Do I still struggle at times?  Absolutely, but I can more easily accept who I am (faults and all) because I know whose I am. 

I screw up more than I’d like to admit.  Usually my mouth is the culprit.  I might have the most sincere motives one moment and then find myself arguing with a family member the next.  If I had to dig a hole every time I’ve messed up in life, I’d be in China for sure.  Fortunately, there is grace.  My actions don’t deserve it, but God extends it nonetheless. 

We look in the mirror, he looks in the heart.  We see problems, he sees possibilities.  When was the last time you gave yourself permission to accept yourself for exactly who you are?  When was the last time you saw yourself the way God sees you?  He is faithful to work in us and through us for our good and his glory, just as he did with the Apostle Paul. 

“But whatever I am now, it is all because God poured out his special favor on me—and not without results. For I have worked harder than any of the other apostles; yet it was not I but God who was working through me by his grace.” (1 Corinthians 15:10)

God took a man full of passion and redirected that passion for his purposes.  God met Paul exactly where he was and extended his grace to him.  In return, Paul dedicated his life to giving others what he had so freely been given.  He didn’t miss an opportunity to be all he could be in Christ.

To quote Dr. Seuss, “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”  You are who you are.  No apology necessary.  Now consider with God’s help, what you can become.

1 comment:

  1. I like your writing style Mary Ellen, It's very enjoyable to read. Keep up the good work.
